At Thirty minutes from Florence in the green tuscan hills, the Mall Outlet is a luxury shopping factory centre that is home to a number of stores that are hosted by some of the most prominent designers around. It is located in an open-air location that is home to many brands devoted to fashions and accessories of all kinds. You will find many brands ranging from Alexander McQueen to Yves Saint Laurent among many other choices.
The mall is designed with a beautiful appearance that features a small stream moving through the middle of the space. It includes four different complexes that house different brand stores as well as one standalone Gucci store. You can also find a cash machine, an information centre, free Wi-Fi access and a tax refund office for people visiting from outside the EU. There are also a number of large parking areas for buses and shuttles to park in.
A restaurant and cafe are located inside the mall. The DOT.COM restaurant is a modern location that is open for lunch each day. It has a relaxed design and a full gourmet menu as well as an extensive wine list. The nearby cafe is also home to many bakery products, coffees, beers and wines as well as a few small dishes to order.

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